Archives December 2021

Last shoot of the year

Last shoot of the year coming up this Friday (17th December)

Secret Santa Rules

  • Your entry is a present with a value between £5 and £8 (your choice of which end of the scale you are at), the present is to be wrapped but not marked with any names etc.
  • The present is marked with a number, and a corresponding number is pinned to a boss.
  • Everyone then shoots one arrow each at the boss at the same time.
  • You then collect your arrows, if you hit a number, that present is the one you get.
  • Then shoot again until everyone wins a present.
  • 2 people in 1 number cancel each other out so both must shoot again.
  • If you hit your own number, shoot again
I’m open to suggestions for activities…
If anyone wants to bring some refreshments for a bit of a party, then by all means do so…

After that, we’ll be closed Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, reopening the first week in January (7th)

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