Last shoot of the year coming up this Friday (17th December)
Secret Santa Rules
Your entry is a present with a value between £5 and £8 (your choice of which end of the scale you are at), the present is to be wrapped but not marked with any names etc.
The present is marked with a number, and a corresponding number is pinned to a boss.
Everyone then shoots one arrow each at the boss at the same time.
You then collect your arrows, if you hit a number, that present is the one you get.
Then shoot again until everyone wins a present.
2 people in 1 number cancel each other out so both must shoot again.
If you hit your own number, shoot again
I’m open to suggestions for activities…
If anyone wants to bring some refreshments for a bit of a party, then by all means do so…
If anyone wants to bring some refreshments for a bit of a party, then by all means do so…
After that, we’ll be closed Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, reopening the first week in January (7th)