All posts by admin

Dates for your diaries for 2023

Good Friday – Closed – 7th April
Model Railway Exhibition – Closed – TBC
Hull Fair – Closed – 6th and 13th October TBC
Halloween – Party – 27th October
Model Railway Exhibition – Closed – TBC
Christmas – Last Shoot – 15th December
Closed – 22nd and 29th December
Re-opening – 5th January 2024
For obvious reasons, the above dates are subject to change due to COVID etc.

Archery Ladder

Ladder League Table
This is something that’s been in the planning for over a year.

The ladder is intended to promote friendly competition and rivalry within the club. Any archers deemed to be acting unfairly may be penalised by position. Any disputes to the rules shall be settled by the Tournament and Records Officer.

  1. An archer may challenge anyone up to 3 places further up the ladder, or 3 places from the bottom if not on the ladder.
  2. The format of the match will be decided by the archer who receives the challenge; it can be either a full round (e.g. Portsmouth), a made-up round (e.g. 1 dozen arrows using reverse scoring), or a one arrow shoot off (if they are feeling confident!). Be creative, but please make them safe
  3. An archer who refuses a challenge shall be deemed to have lost the match.
  4. You may not challenge the same person more than once per session.
  5. If a challenge is won the victor moves into the defeated archer’s place, and everyone else moves down one place.
  6. Results of the match shall be given to Tournament and Records Officer as soon as possible after the match.
  7. You must shoot your own bow setup

2022/23 Governing Body Fees

Hi Guys.
Unfortunately, it’s that time of year.
Governing body fees are due before 30th September (ASAP is better)

The prices for 2022/23 are below (these include Archery GB, Yorkshire Archery Association and Northern Counties Archery Society affiliation fees)

Senior (aged 25 and over) – £56

Seniors members aged 18 to 24 (inc) – £22
Juniors (under 18s) – £17
Archers with Disabilities – £17

Club Banner

Morning All…
Some time ago, this photograph was taken for the website…

I’ve been given permission to put a massive, permanent banner on the back wall above the net.

To do this, I can use this picture to make the banner, but I would rather reshoot the picture, preferably with a current member.

So I am wondering if anyone would entertain the idea of being the face, or rather elbow of the club.

Drop me a message if you’re interested…

If necessary I can shoot it multiple times and we can, as a club choose the best picture…

Thanks all

Last shoot of the year

Last shoot of the year coming up this Friday (17th December)

Secret Santa Rules

  • Your entry is a present with a value between £5 and £8 (your choice of which end of the scale you are at), the present is to be wrapped but not marked with any names etc.
  • The present is marked with a number, and a corresponding number is pinned to a boss.
  • Everyone then shoots one arrow each at the boss at the same time.
  • You then collect your arrows, if you hit a number, that present is the one you get.
  • Then shoot again until everyone wins a present.
  • 2 people in 1 number cancel each other out so both must shoot again.
  • If you hit your own number, shoot again
I’m open to suggestions for activities…
If anyone wants to bring some refreshments for a bit of a party, then by all means do so…

After that, we’ll be closed Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, reopening the first week in January (7th)

One End Wonder Competition

one end wonder
I am trying to put the fine details together for an in-house competition I’m calling “One End Wonder”
So far, my idea is for members to shoot as normal every week, and take a photo of your best end… if you beat the score that night replace the photograph… at the end of the night, either send me the photo of the highest-scoring end, either on messenger or via email…
I’ll then come up with some kind of leaderboard or table, weekly, monthly annual etc. Then I’ll sort some form of fair ranking (open to suggestions) … Can get some prizes or awards to back this up…
If nothing else it will be a good target to aim for with personal development…
I’m interested in knowing what members think, and how we can develop this better

The 300

Archery GB is running a competition called the 300
To enter it your Archery GB membership must be current…
I am wondering though, what members think of running it ourselves in-house, as an ongoing competition… Can create a club leaderboard…
The 300 will run from 1 November 2021 – 31 January 2022.
The 300 is the perfect opportunity to mix social media and competition for all levels of archers around the UK. It is a simple 30 arrow round at 18m.
***Format ***
18 metres – 30-arrow round max score 300
Any 40cm official target face
The 4cm diameter 10 ring is for both compound, recurve, barebow and longbows, the 2cm diameter inner most ring is to be a 10 but scored as an X ring.
In final score you will count 10s and Xs as 10s, but also record the number of Xs.
Target faces – you are welcome to use any of the selection of 40cm target faces, either
Single spot
Triple spot (vertical)
Triple spot (triangular)
You must score your round on a new clean target face.
How does social media play its part?
In order to participate in this virtual competition, you must supply,
A clear photograph of your target face. No practice can be done on the face you use for competition. Please ensure the photograph is taken in good, clear light so the full face can be seen.
Your name
Your division
The club you shot at
The date you shot (so we can relate back to the scoring app)
The picture or time-lapse video
How do I enter?
You enter by submitting this form.
Please be aware that you will need to register a minimum of 48 hours prior to gaining access to the Ianseo Scoring app score sheet.
How do I score the round?
You will need to download the Ianseo Scoring app.
Search the Google Play Store, or the Apple App Store, you will need to look for ‘Ianseo Scorekeeper’
iOS Link:
Android Link:
This will then send the scores directly to us and we can collate all results. If you are filming and only have one phone/tablet, please print off a scoring sheet and write the score down then input the scores to the Ianseo Scoring app after you have recorded and shot your round, sending a photo of the scoring sheet and video.
Please see the document below for details of how to use the app.
Where can I shoot my “The 300” round?
Your 300 can be shot at any indoor or outdoor Archery GB club or a private range or shop with insurance, you must be an Archery GB member to participate.
Round up of the Rules
You must shoot the whole 300 round in one session.
A photograph of the target face (only the round, no practice) for submission to be accepted.
The photograph or video could be used as a marketing tool on our social media and by submitting it, you are giving permission for Archery GB to use the picture or video on social media and our website.
Any amount of 300 rounds can be submitted by a single person.
Any precautions must be kept in line with current government guidelines.
Ensure that anyone that could be in the photograph or video footage is happy to be so.
Scoring must be submitted through the Ianseo Scoring app.
Winners will be announced at the end of the virtual competition period.
All disciplines are using the larger 10 ring, and the inner 10 ring is to be scored as an X
Your 300 can be shot at any Archery GB, a private range or shop with insurance.
Rules set out by the club you are shooting at must always be followed.
If you only have one phone/tablet, please score on a scoresheet, and then input the scores into the Ianseo Scoring app after filming if you choose to film.
You must enter via the Google Form a minimum of 48 hours prior to completing the round, to get your scoresheet on the Ianseo Scoring app.

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