Remember we’re now closed for 2 weeks due to Hull Fair and re-open on the 20th…
Remember we’re now closed for 2 weeks due to Hull Fair and re-open on the 20th…
Hi All…
The Club is at it Maximum capacity again…
If we have anyone who wants to go on the waiting list, please get in touch..
We are closed for Hull Fair on October 6th and 13th (Re-opening October 20th)
Also for Christmas on December 22nd and 29th (Re-opening January 5th)
If there is anyone on this page waiting for a place in the club, please send me a private message on Facebook..
Please also look at the fees page and make use of the calculator.. Remember to add £10 to the final fee to cover the cost of an arm guard and a finger tab (which are yours to keep)
It’s sad when we have to say goodbye to members.. And sadly big John Scott and Tilly have decided to move on to pastures new.. I wish them all the best..
Hi Everyone..
As most people know, a condition of our reduced rent for the hall at the leisure centre is that we lose one evening per year around Jun/July time, for the model railway show that they host in the main hall, so that they can set up their little trains.
Well this years closure is 2nd June for the show on the 3rd June.
As always, my apologies for this, but it is what keeps our rent down..
Back as normal on the 9th June .. Enjoy your day off..
We have been sent a certificate of compliance for the Rules of Shooting from Archery GB
Archery GB Compliance of the Rules of Shooting for Hull Archery Club
Got a chance for an outdoor shoot in the spring.. It’s in a small woods with 12 targets all different animals etc, to shoot at through the trees etc on a trail that weaves through..
Unfortunately this aimed at people with their own equipment at the moment however in the future we may take some club equipment…
The price will be £10 per person for members, £15 for non members for as many goes round as you want to or daylight will allow
Let me know, if you’re interested..
As most of you know, a condition of our discounted rent for the hall is that we close one weekend every summer so that the leisure centre can host a model railway exhibition for the weekend..
I’ve just had confirmation from them that this year it’s on 2nd June.
So there’ll be no archery that week..
Thanks for understanding..
Hi Guys
Tomorrow night starts the beginning of our 2017 competition.
This will be run on the last Friday of every month. Its something totally different and is designed to put you as archers out of your comfort zones.
It will be a scoring session, and run over the next 12 months.
There will be several categories including juniors, barebow, freestyle and possibly compound depending on how many of each categories.
There’ll be end of year trophies and medals and possibly monthly awards.
This will come out of the £2 per quarter competition fees (I know we haven’t been collecting it, but we will be starting collecting again, starting end of February)
So, hope to be seeing as many people as possible tomorrow night