Archery GB latest information

An update from Archery GB is as follows
Indoor archery for everyone else can take place from 12 April, however, it is an individual activity only. That means one archer, or a household, could book a single target, turn up & shoot, and then leave.
As you can probably understand, this means we will not be opening the club as of yet as we could not sustain the club with those numbers.
Hopefully, the update in May will give us a better chance of returning back to normal…

Win a Watch

Win a Smartwatch
Hi Guys.
We’re working to raise money for the club

Every pound donated will be given a number. The draw will happen on Facebook Live by asking Alexa or Siri to randomly pick a number.

Win a Smartwatch

Win a Smartwatch

Possible return to shooting

Hi all…
Hope you’re staying safe…
The government has indicated indoor sports facilities will reopen on 12 April, if strict conditions are met. I will update you about when indoor archery can resume as soon as further details are announced by the government.
We can then look at what restrictions might be in place, and decide whether it will be viable to open at that time.
Hopefully, see you all soon 🙂

Rules for returning

  • Arrive between 6.30 and 6.45 – Members only, no guests or observers. The latch on the door will be closed from 7.00 to stop people entering… If you’re going to be late let me know.
  • Please do not come if you are having any symptoms of COVID
  • On entry please sanitise your hands.
  • All members must sign in and have temperature taken (non-contact) – Please don’t enter the hall before being authorised… I’m sorry but amber or red on the thermometer means you will be refused entry. This will be a part of the track and trace system for ours and your protection.
  • Masks are compulsory… I have ordered club masks but they haven’t arrived so please bring your own, and hopefully, ours will be here by next week.
  • Social distancing must be adhered to.
  • All toilets are locked except the disabled toilets so people can still social distance.
  • Please don’t enter the storage room or cupboard without gloves (provided).
  • Sanitising wipes provided for you to clean club equipment before use. Please do this before removing gloves.
  • If going into the club box, please sanitise hands.
  • Please don’t handle other peoples equipment.
  • We will be using fewer targets to enable better social distancing.
  • Only one person shooting on a target at a time, please wait until the person has shot all their arrows and stepped off the shooting line before lining up and taking your place.
  • On collection of arrows please only approach the targets one at a time, and avoid arrows that are not your own.
  • At the end of the session, again, if you’re going into the cupboard make sure you’re wearing gloves.
  • Sanitise your hands before leaving
  • If you have any symptoms after the session, please let me know immediately
    These guidelines are to try and keep everyone safe. This is new to us, as it is with everyone else, so we will be no doubt adjusting policies as we go. If you know of a better way of doing things, or can add to things we should be doing, as always please let us know.

Club Re-Opening

It’s looking likely that we will be re-opening on the 31st July at a limited capacity…
  • We will be setting up fewer targets (however many creates a reasonable social distance on the shooting line and when collecting.
  • We’ll be operating a queuing system, so one person shooting at a target at any one time… Collecting will be the same, please give other members space to collect their arrows before collecting yours. It goes without saying, please try not to touch other peoples arrows when collecting your own.
  • Handwashing facilities will be provided.
  • Anyone using club equipment will be responsible for wiping it down before use, cleaning your hands before and after.
  • No handling other peoples equipment
  • It goes without saying, facemasks must be worn at all times
  • Keep your distance from other members…
Not everyone is convinced the virus is as bad as it’s made out to be, but please respect the rules anyway to protect the people who do, and need to be safe.
These rules are just what I could think of, off the top of my head… I’ll let you know the official Archery GB guidelines when they release them.
The reason for this date is to cover the week we lost in March… That way I will be able to refund complete months instead of odd days.
Please send me a personal message if you intend on returning. If there’s a lot of people, I will have to give priority to those who were current members when we broke off.

COVID Closure Update

Hello Everyone…
I still have no notice of when we can re-open, but I will keep you all informed when I have more details.
I understand some people still have their Standing Orders set up. This money is safe in the club’s bank account.
With everything being in lockdown, I can not currently get access to the bank, but as soon as this is over, one of the first priorities will be to get the money refunded for the days we couldn’t shoot because of the virus.
I hope this is satisfactory for everyone.
Stay safe everyone…

2020 Club closure dates for your diaries

Hi All.
2020 Club closure dates for your diaries…
Good Friday : 10th April.
Trains : 13th June.
Annual General Meeting – Three John Scotts – 14th June.
Hull Fair : 9th and 16th October (dates changed by 1 week in 2019 so watch this space)
Trains : TBC (November)
Christmas : Closed 25th December and 1st January

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