2019 Dates for your diaries.

Hi All..
2019 Club dates for your diaries…

  • Re Opens : 4th January
  • Easter : Closed 19th April
  • The Model Railway Society : Closed 7th June
  • Hull Fair : Closed 4th and 11th October
  • Annual General Meeting : either 5th or 12th October
  • The Model Railway Society : Closed 8th November
  • Halloween : 1st November
  • Christmas : Closed 27th December and either 20th December or 3rd January

As always a copy of these dates have been added to the Facebook page

Please Sponsor Training Video/Film

As a way of raising money and awareness for our  upcoming outdoor venue, we are having a training video made, which will be hosted on YouTube.

We are having the video made to comply with Archery GB standards, and codes of practice.  This way we will have the potential to attract viewers from all over the world, and from different clubs, who would like to learn archery.

As we are trying to raise money for the club, we are looking for people to sponsor the video.

Ideally, we need around £10,000-£15,000 but at a bare minimum we can get by with £5000 plus what funds we already have in the kitty, and worry about the rest later…

Sponsors of the video and the club will be mentioned in the end credits of recording, giving fantastic advertising opportunities..

So please help us reach our target by giving generously

Annual General Meeting 13th October 2018

So, what came out of last nights AGM… Apart from John Smiths is only £1.99 a pint and an easy way to blow £20…

In attendance, Carl Cooper, Tracy Cooper, Mark Temple, Mike Brooks, Chris Owen, Derek Lewis, and Mary Lewis.


We discussed having an additional outdoor shoot to run alongside our existing Friday night session, but on a Sunday. We’re waiting for prices to come back from both Northcott School on Bransholm and Costello Sports Stadium, but at the meeting people were favouring the school, because of the price.

We would need to buy some more equipment. At the moment we could get by doing it on the cheap and transporting some bows to the new venue, however I would like to try and raise some money to attack this properly… £5000 would get us a half decent set up. £10,000 would sort us properly at both venues….

This money could be raised from grants or sponsorship.. If anyone works somewhere that would sponsor the club please get in touch.. We have a mega returns package which would be mentioned later in this memo.

In the mean time please register your vote on the poll.


The Halloween shoot will be on Friday the 2nd of November. It will be a fancy dress themed shoot / fun night.. Everyone is welcome, old members and new members and current members… As always it will be to raise money for the club so visiting members prices will be £10 each, and voluntary donations will be accepted on the night…

I’ll bring plenty of drinks, if people want to bring some buns, cakes, sandwiches etc etc etc by all means we’ll have a little buffet..

Ideas for things to shoot also accepted, if you have a photo of an ex or what ever, print it out and get it shot.. Mike Brooks got a clear head shot on Justin Bieber in the past.

So lets see your fancy dress costumes.


As always, we need new members.. In WSLC we have spaces for 4 adults and 3 children (under 16s) If you have any friends, family or colleagues, bring them along, or at least pass on my details to get any questions answered.


We’re going to make a selection videos at the club, pretty much going through our training course, and any other things members might struggle with.

These videos will be filmed to a high quality standard, and to the correct rules of shooting as per the training offered by Archery GB. As they are made, they will be uploaded to YouTube and offered out as FREE to use by anyone, anywhere to learn archery, whether they are an individual or for club use.

As mentioned earlier, our overall goal is to raise around £10,000 to kit out the two venues with new, better equipment. Anyone who sponsors the club will get a special mention on the videos, and on the YouTube channel, but for obvious reason we cannot change a video once it’s made, so getting the sponsorship deals in early are important.


If anyone else has anything to add or contribute, please feel free to do so. We remain a club with a constitution so by all means have your say.

News regarding the new pricing structure

For those that don’t know…

Unlike other clubs in the area, we have reduced our prices as of the 1st September.

We have knocked our yearly membership of £24 and our insurance costs of £25 on the head, saving our adult members £49 per year.

To cover this, we needed to guarantee our income to make sure our bills are covered and so our weekly fees have been fixed £14 per month for adults, and £9 per month for under 16’s. These are to be paid by standing order on the 1st of the month.

Training fees, and equipment hire fees remain the same, and are to be paid on the night. Archery GB Fees (where wanted) will remain payable at the club in time for renewal. These will be at the advertised price by Archery GB and the club will not make anything from this..

I believe this makes us the cheapest club in the town once again, only surviving by the guaranteed monthly payment. We are after all a not for profit club.

We have also decided that once our equipment is renewed, we will spend any surplus of funds on extra fun nights for our members, paid for by the club.

If you haven’t got a standing order form yet, please get in touch and I’ll send one to you.

Also, and former members wanting to come back, now that the prices are more reasonable, feel free to get in touch, as we are recruiting now and once our memberships hit 24 people we will be closing the doors.

It’s quite urgent to get your mandates filled in and taken into your bank as these new prices and the first payments kick in on the 1st September.

Thanks everyone for your continued support,

We Need To Raise £5000 Urgently for Club Expansion…

Hi Everyone

It’s common knowledge that we have been looking for an outdoor space for the club to shoot from.. This would enable us to increase our membership numbers, and include more junior and disabled members.

Well we have found a place, Hallgate Primary School in Cottingham…

We can sign the rental agreement, as soon as we’re ready, which is good news.

Our problems lay in the fact that there is no storage for our equipment.  I’ve been pricing around and this is quite an expensive thing we are looking at.

We also need a selection of suitable outdoor target bosses, stands , trolleys, training bows and arrows etc.

Ideally, we need around £10,000 but at a bare minimum we can get by with £5000 plus what funds we already have in the kitty, and worry about the rest later…

We only have a short amount of time to raise this money before the land becomes unavailable, and we have to start the search again…

Please help us by spreading this post around and by clicking the donate button below.

Many Thanks…

Dates for your diaries…

Hi All..
Club dates for your diaries…
I’m sure a lot of you have seen that The Model Railway Society which takes over the hall is on June 17th, which means that the club will be closed Friday June 15th.
Insurance and Archery GB… The insurance for shooting all expires on Friday 31st September, so insurance fees and Archery GB Fees (where necessary) will need to be paid by this date at the latest, as you wont be insured to shoot the following week with out it. (Prices to be released when known, but if it increases the club will most probably cover the shortfall)
As always, due to Hull Fair, we will be closed on the 5th and 12th of October, reopening on the 19th October.
As always we have our Annual General Meeting (Booze up) during Hull Fair week, which gives us the 5th, 6th, 12th or 13th of October, at either Three John Scott’s is town, or another suitable venue to be decided. (venue and date to be decided amongst members), for us to discuss the running of the club and what steps to take to keep it successful.
Halloween fancy dress fund raising shoot… Every year we have had a fund raising shoot for Halloween to raise money for the club.. The closest Fridays this year are 26th October or the 2nd November, again members to decide which dates and what we are going to do to raise money for the club
I’ve been asked if we could also close for a session later in the year for an event on Friday 9th November.
And finally Christmas. We’ll be closed on the 22nd and 29th December, reopening on the 5th of January 2019, for the new year.
Club membership, will be due on the 5th of January 2019 or as soon as you come back to shoot.. Fees increases (if any) will be reviewed at the AGM in October.

Hull Archery Club Vice Chair Vacancy


We have had a series of short meetings over the past few weeks. And on the facts, that Mr Andrew Wilson hasn’t attended the club since 2017, we needed to replace him as the clubs Vice Chairperson…

We discussed suitable replacements within the club, and a decision was made about a possible replacement. Last night I approached said person and discussed the role and position, who agreed to accept the position, if the club was OK with it.

So I need to ask the members of the club, if anyone has any reason to disagree with the appointment of Paul Creaser as the new Hull Archery Club Vice Chair person, replacing Andrew Wilson, from the date of the next club session on the 6th of April 2018.

Paul has been a valued club member for a few years, and has recently stepped up and taken over the running of the competitions, scoring and badges etc. with specific interest in keeping our youth section busy and working towards new targets and goals.

We think he will be a valued asset to our management team, but as said, this has to be a club decision.. Members not commenting will be classed as giving their approval.. So time to have your say 


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