Hull Archery Club is a not-for-profit organisation. Any funds we receive typically come from our membership fees and we use those funds to benefit the club and its members.

As you may expect, running a club with so many consumables is expensive and occasionally we run into costs that exceed what we presently can afford.

Another obstacle we are regularly faced with and are unable to overcome is the ability to expand the club. The club’s community and popularity continues to grow and we are always looking for ways to expand our shooting space so we can take on more members but this also comes at a significant cost.

Donations we receive are all carefully considered on how to best benefit the club and its members – prioritising immediate needs over ambition. It is our hope that in time and with enough donations we can achieve our ambition to expand our shooting space, whether that be in our current location or to go toward additional equipment and the storage of said equipment at a secondary outdoor location so we can offer the experience of shooting outside.

As a non-profit club, aside from relying on the membership fees from attending archers, we rely on the kindness and generosity of individuals and organisations who see the value of what we provide for the community. We are extremely grateful to have been the recipient of donations in the past which have been invaluable to the survival of the club – especially during the COVID pandemic in 2020/2021. Some of our amazing supporters can be found on our Sponsors page.

We are grateful for the generosity of any and all donations – no matter the value. If you would like to make a donation, you can do so via the PayPal link below.

If you would like to discuss making a donation, whether that be monetary, the donation of equipment, or support, or if you would like to discuss how your donations will be used, please contact Carl Cooper who will be happy to answer any of your queries.

Once again, we value any donation, no matter what it may be. Every donation is invaluable to the ongoing survival and growth of our club.

From all of us here at Hull Archery Club – Thank You